Friday, 23 November 2018

Robot Narrative

My Reflection
I'am learning to write a narrative using DASH.
I'am most proud of making a good story.
I found this simple because I didn't add much detail.
My next step is to add a lot of detail with out making it too long!

Monday, 19 November 2018

Art Exhibition

This is me with my flower art!
Check It Out!


My Reflection

I am learning to construct models of polyhedron.
It was easy to build my pentagonal pyramid.
Candy, Brooklyn, Moana and Mila helped me to build icosahedron.
I can explain the features of a polyhedron.
Next time I will construct another polyhedron. 

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Six Sentence Narrtive

My Reflection
I am learning to write a six sentences narrative.
I am most proud of making just six sentences in to a story.
My next step is to think of a better solution.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Relate To Characters

 My Reflection

I am learning to relate to the characters in the text. Some characters traits were easy to find.
Some were more tricky to find. I need to improve on reading carefully to find the information .
My next step is to  think about characters  in stories where there are more than two characters. I could try to compare characters.