Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Tuatara Drawing/Y62019

My Reflection
This is my tuatara report.
For art in term3 we did tuataras. This isn't challeging in my opinon due to the fact that all you need to do is practice a million times to perfect it. My favourite part is dying it by flicking a used toothbrush which is truly satsfing. 
I am truly relieved that no one dipped the toothbrush in yellow dye and brush their teeth with it. 

Monday, 23 September 2019

Term 4 Basic Facts Improvments

My Reflection
This is my weekly basic facts chart! 
 Through out this year a have made a good progres. I found basic fact ultra easy as my gradma helped me with my times tables years ago. My next step is to work out harder multi digit questions just as fast.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Show Do Not Tell

My Reflection
WALT: use "Show Don't Tell" in our narrtive writing.
I found this fun due to the fact you get to make a dot into something better. My next step is to use "Show Don't Tell" in my writing in different ways.

Fractions In Year 6

My Reflection
I am learning to convert between improper fractions and mix numbers . I found this too simple as I already learned this by myself at home. My next step is to convert between challenging decimals, fractions and percentages.